Friday, July 17, 2009

I lost ...

... what I thought was a cool competition.

Sigh ... I guess I won't be immortalized in concrete.

I have unfulfilled dreams of kids hopscotching all over my words or having bikes ridden through my thoughts or having dogs using my witticisms as a bathroom.

Oh well. C'est la vie.

In case you were wondering, here were my entries (you were allowed 2 entries for a $3 fee - paypal-friendly no less):

They’re just like us only better.
Filtered through another’s DNA,
unblemished by life so far.
Unlimited potential and
unconditional love.
The best thing I ever did

GTAC begat DNA
which begat RNA
which begat ME and U

I, of course, think they're brilliant. Most true artists are not appreciated in their own time.

(OK, it was hard to type that with a straight face.)

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