Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Joe Blue" or "Blue Joe" - both sound a little inappropriate ...

... I finished refurbishing my late 80's / early 90's composite Joe Garolofo- built 190 pound weight class single. So after a lot of sanding, fiberglass patching, priming, painting (3 coats of blue on the hull, multiple coats of rustoleum black on the hardware), varnishing (4 coats on the entire cockpit), replacing oarlocks, silicon-ing important joints, retaping and fixing the soft decks (the only part of the boat I did NOT take apart), it's done:

I took it out on the water yesterday and it was a good ride. I wish I had a photo of the hull, as the blue paint job turned out very nicely.

This boat is defintely a "Joe", not a "Joseph" - I'm glad that I gave him a new look.

If you need me, I'll be on the Mississippi ...

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