Thursday, May 13, 2010

My boys can swim ...

Greetings, Internet - long time, no blogging. (I'm borrowing the 'addressing the Internet in letter/conversation form as a blog format' from a friend of mine)

Busy winter/spring:

1) I grow bonsais. Or is it "bonsai's"? Anyway, I have a lot of them. Actually, close to a gross. So, for a few weeks every spring, I am a re-potting madman. It's a flurry of perlite, pine bark, turface, peat moss in my garage. I actually developed tennis elbow (aka lateral epicondylitis) in my right arm from pruning roots and shoots - I think I need to get rid of a few of them this year at my club's auction.

2) refinanced the mortgage on my house - not physically demanding, but mentally taxing and stressful. Fannie who?

3) dealt with some family health issues - everyone is doing better, thank you.

4) I'm still recovering from nasal septum perforation surgery. It. sucked. big. time.

Sorry for the NSFW picture, but once again, I wanted to relay how much ... it sucked. (As an aside, I was on Percocet for a few days - not much fun as I thought it was going to be - hallucinations and f'ed up dreams - quite unsettling - I will never understand people who use the drug recreationally).

5) Finally, as the title of this post states - despite my 'advanced age' - my boys can swim:

Laura's about 21 weeks pregnant. The morning (actually, all-day) sickness was horrible but is better. She still has a lot of reflux and thank God for Pepcid.

We're psyched. Peter is going to be a big brother.

6) oops - I forgot. I bought another rowing single:

This is an used boat, but slightly newer than Zesty, Wry 'n Convicted. While I love Zesty, I think that it's too big a boat for me - this new single is more suited for my weight class. I'm supposed to have it delivered today (not transporting it myself this time) - and hopefully, I can get out on it this weekend. In a few weeks/months, I'll figure out which one I'll keep.

Peace, Internet. Stay classy.

1 comment:

akalinear said...

Dear Internet,
I'm finally getting caught up on my blog reading.

1) I don't know what half of what you said means. I mean, perlite? Turface? (Why does turface sound like a turkey's face in astroturf to me?)

2) Fannie still exists?

3) Glad you're all doing better.

4) Glad I didn't see you in person when your face looked like this. It didn't look too bad last week.

5) Congratulations!

6) Congratulations!

If you put more thought into naming your single than you do in naming your new child, I will laugh at you. (Guaranteed.) =)