Friday, November 13, 2009

There are worse things I could be ...

... than my dad.

I was looking at this picture of my son and I that was taken a few months ago, when we were up in the Brainard area, and it seemed to resonate with me:

I don't know, it has a timeless feel to it. It was taken in 2009 but it could easily could had been taken in 1972. Which would've been when my dad was approximately my age and I was Peter's age.

I look at me and see my dad's half-smirk expression; the placement of his/my hands around his/my son; his haircut and clothes - even his sandals (his were leather, mine are some sort of canvas/microfiber).

Twenty-five years ago, this revelation would've upset me; today, it makes me proud.

I love you, Dad.

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